7 Habits to Lose Belly Fat
Jul 30, 2024
Lots of people, over the age of 40 years, ask me how to quickly and easily get fit.
In particular they ask how to drop abdominal fat.
While I know they are hoping for a simple answer, here's the truth:
Creating your "Ideal Body" (the leanest, strongest, and happiest version of you) is about small habits repeated daily.
It's a lifestyle versus a quick fix.
7 Habits to Lose Belly Fat
I've been coaching and consulting with 40+ men and women for over 25 years and every time I hear this phrase I instantly know we have an uphill climb.
What's the troubling phrase you ask? My two least favorite words are "I know."
See, when you give someone feedback or try to offer them insight and they respond with "I know," what they're really saying is "I don't want to be helped."
Because if they know, then why aren't they doing?
I suspect that most people have a rough idea regarding what to do.
You know that a diet of soft-and-chewy Fig Newtons with a side of vanilla ice cream won't get you lean and healthy.
You already know what to eat and what to avoid. But the reason you need an experienced coach is that you need help moving from knowing to doing.
So when someone says "I know" they're on the defensive.They are listening but they don't want to hear.
When I talk with someone about losing the dangerous visceral abdominal fat and they think my advice is drop-dead simple (as it often is) and they say " know that" ...my follow-up question is often the same.
"Compared to this time three months ago, are you getting better, worse, or staying the same?"
The answer is always "getting worse or staying the same."
See, the magic is rarely in knowing anything. It's in the application of that knowledge.
Even with professional teachers and coaches, it's not the knowing, it's the sharing of knowledge.
So if you know someone who is struggling with getting healthy, that says "I know" when you share this article with them, hopefully you can help them take action.
But it's likely going to be a process. And if you are trying to evolve and improve and you catch yourself reflexively saying "I know," stop yourself, take a deep breath and ask yourself this critical question:
"Am I ready to accept coaching? Do I truly want to improve?"
If the answer is "yes" then stop talking about what you know and start focusing on how to do it.
What do my lean-and-fit coaching clients do when the goal is to get rid of belly fat?
Well, it's likely they practice some or all of these habits:
1. Don't stockpile junk
Fit people know that if they keep junk food in the house, it will land on their waist sooner or later.
So they don't buy any. Also, purchasing junk food for your kids or spouse is not advised since:
- you'll likely eat some of it eventually
- your loved ones shouldn't be eating low-quality "food" either
It's called junk for a reason.
For me, crispy tortilla chips, melted cheddar cheese, and spicy salsa always sings it's powerful siren song.
A hot platter of this deceptively alluring salty-crunch combination always leaves me feeling sluggish and bloated.
So rid your home of chips, cookies, candy, baked goods, pre-packaged snacks and anything else that belongs in a vending machine.
Replace the above with fresh fruit, veggies, single-serving packages of nuts, and other healthy unprocessed snacks.
I'm not suggesting you abstain from a heaping plate of chips and salsa; however, you should practice moderation when it comes to fun foods.
Simply stated, don't keep junk in your living space.
2. Have priorities
Fit people make exercise a priority.
Along with keeping a job, paying the bills and going to the doctor, exercise is an important part of their lives.
What I've found is that fit people put exercise before leisure time.
Sure, fit people enjoy leisure, but it is scheduled around their workout time.
Treat exercise time with the same importance that you would a business meeting or trip to the doctor.
3. Stop when full
Fit people stop eating when they feel full.
Sound simple? It is, but how many times have you stuffed yourself simply to clear your plate?
Or how many times have you eaten another piece of cake despite being stuffed?
The next time you feel full, take it as a sign to stop eating.
Yes, even if your plate isn't empty.
4. Push
Not only do fit people make time to exercise, they challenge themselves during each workout.
While it is easy to simply go through the motions while exercising, your workouts may not work if you don't push yourself.
Exercise should make you sweat, make your muscles burn, and leave you with a feeling of accomplishment.
Find ways to make each workout more challenging.
For competitive people, the best way to push yourself is to exercise with a friend of similar ability. Or a team of friends.
Another great way to challenge yourself is to set small attainable goals.
These goals could be to push heavier weight, to sprint longer, or to do your conditioning at a higher intensity.
5. Don't eat and watch
During the 1890s, Russian physiologist, Ivan Pavlov was researching salivation in dogs in response to being fed. He inserted a small test tube into the cheek of each dog to measure saliva when the dogs were fed (with a powder made from meat).
Pavlov predicted the dogs would salivate in response to the food placed in front of them, but he noticed that his dogs would begin to salivate whenever they heard the footsteps of his assistant who was bringing them the food.
When Pavlov discovered that any object or event which the dogs learned to associate with food (such as the lab assistant) would trigger the same response, Pavlovian conditioning (aka classical conditioning) was born.
Ever notice how you crave munchies just as you turn on Netflix, like the dogs in Pavlov's famous study?
Fit people know that eating in front of the TV, laptop or other device is mindless eating. Overeating at night in front of any screen is also very habit forming.
When your attention is on your entertainment and not on your food, then you'll be less tuned in to what and how much ends up in your mouth.
To avoid the conditioned response of searching for snacks when you turn on the TV, have a portion-controlled meal before or after your entertainment.
Also, pay special attention to what and how much goes into your mouth. When it's time for a meal, be present and focus on mindful nutrition.
6. Drink filtered water
Fit people drink lots of water--around one ounce per pound of bodyweight daily.
And not just in addition to other beverages, but instead of them.
Water is their main drink, while other drinks are occasional treats.
Calorie-filled drinks are, well, one of the quickest ways to consume excess calories -- which quickly turn into fat.
Consider water your beverage of choice.
No need to buy bottled water as you can filter it right from the tap.
As a bonus, you will do your part to keep heaps of plastic out of landfills.
Drink plenty of water each day and consume other beverages only a few times each week.
7. Be supported
Fit people don't leave their success to chance.
They know that if their coach is waiting for them, then they are less likely to skip a workout.
For the majority of busy men and women, over the age of 40, it's easy to hit snooze or to talk yourself out of an early-morning training session.
I've discovered that the most intense workout at the gym before sunrise is actually the mental gymnastics I do to convince myself to get out of bed.
But fit people take the option of skipping out of the equation.
They choose to "Win the Day" and exercise first thing, before the day gets in the way.
I hope that these habits have inspired you to make a positive change in your own life.
If you already implement some of these habits then congratulations – you are on your way to your Ideal Body and your Ideal Life.
If none, or very few, of these habits describe your lifestyle, then I've got good news – you now have seven effective new habits to start that will get you guaranteed results.
Don't try to tackle all seven at once – pick one or two to add each week and gradually work your way up.
Want instant support? Share your priority-one goal right here.
Next, we'll jump on the phone or video conference to discuss a proven plan to get you in the absolute best shape of your life.
Imagine feeling happier and more confident in your body in three months.
In just 90 short days from today, you could have less belly fat and more energy too.
It's indeed possible to change your life, but only if you're willing to take imperfect action and do the work.
To your success,
Coach Joe
Joseph Arangio helps 40+ men and women lose weight, gain strength, and slow aging. He's delivered over 100,000 transformation programs to satisfied clients around the globe. If you want to increase longevity with the best online age-management program, or you want to visit the best age-management program in the Lehigh Valley, you can take a free 14-day trial.