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Banana Chocolate Chip Pancake Recipe

mindset nutrition recipes Oct 02, 2024
Banana Chocolate Chip Pancake Recipe

What do you call a pancake after it does sit-ups? A waffle.

Alright, let’s be real. Pancakes may not be the first food that comes to mind when you’re thinking about staying lean, but sometimes you need a little balance. This banana chocolate chip pancake recipe fits perfectly as a free meal. Plus, they’re gluten-free, dairy-free, and have a solid nutritional profile thanks to the use of coconut flour and healthy fats.

But before we dive into the recipe, let’s talk about why this matters.

Ever skip a workout because you were too tired, or miss a meal because it wasn’t prepared ahead of time? We’ve all been there. If that sounds like you, keep reading. Today’s not just about pancakes; it’s about a mindset shift that could be the key to more consistency and better results in your health journey.

Step One: Identify Your "One Thing"

Here’s a valuable question for you: What one thing are you doing right now that you should stop doing immediately? You know the answer. It’s that one habit, that one activity, that’s pulling you off track and costing you time and energy you could be using to improve your fitness, health, or even mindset.

For me, it was unnecessary business travel. I was always on the go, chasing opportunities but sacrificing time that could be better spent elsewhere. So, I stopped. My schedule—and my mental health—has never been better. What’s your “one thing”?

For some of you, it might be scrolling through social media the moment you wake up. Instead of jumping out of bed, ready to tackle the day, you lose precious time scrolling through content that offers no real value.

For others, maybe it’s scheduling your workouts for the afternoons, only to skip them because, after a long day, you're too tired to hit the gym.

No accountability? No structure? That could be your “one thing.” If you don’t have a coach or a workout buddy, it’s far too easy to let things slip.

Actionable Step:
Take 10 minutes today to identify the one thing you’re doing that is holding you back. Write it down, and commit to changing it this week. Whether it's delegating a task, cutting out unnecessary distractions, or optimizing your schedule, this one change can help you refocus your energy on activities that move you forward.

Why Nutrition is Critical for Performance

Speaking of pancakes, let's talk about why nutrition—yes, even on your free meal days—plays a critical role in how you feel, perform, and recover.

If you're working towards a specific fitness goal, like losing fat or gaining muscle, food isn’t just fuel. It’s the building block of everything you’re working for. One bad meal won’t wreck your progress, but a consistent lack of preparation can.

Think of your diet as a pyramid. The foundation is whole, nutrient-dense foods—things like lean proteins, healthy fats, and high-quality carbs. That’s where the banana and coconut flour come in. The chocolate chips? That’s the top of the pyramid, a small indulgence that won’t throw you off course when used in moderation.

Actionable Step:
Prioritize meal prep. Whether it's for pancakes or grilled chicken, take 30 minutes to plan your meals for the week. You don’t need to prep every meal, but knowing what you’ll eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner can eliminate the temptation to grab fast food or skip a meal entirely.

Banana Chocolate Chip Pancake Recipe

Everything in moderation, especially when it comes to flapjacks. This recipe is a solid choice for a free meal that still delivers some nutritional benefits.


  • 6 TBSP coconut flour
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 banana, mashed
  • 2 TBSP coconut oil, melted
  • 6 TBSP full-fat canned coconut milk
  • 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
  • 1/2 tsp. baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp. apple cider vinegar
  • 1/4 cup Enjoy Life dark chocolate chips


  1. In a bowl, whisk together eggs, banana, coconut milk, and vanilla. Add coconut oil and mix well.
  2. Add coconut flour and whisk until smooth. Be sure to break up any lumps in the flour.
  3. Mix in baking soda and apple cider vinegar.
  4. Fold in chocolate chips gently.
  5. Heat a skillet over medium heat and grease it with 1 tsp. of ghee or coconut oil.
  6. Use about 1/4 cup of batter for each pancake. Cook for 3 minutes or until bubbles form on the surface, then flip and cook for another 2-3 minutes.
  7. Repeat with the remaining batter, greasing the pan as needed.

Raise Your Expectations

While you enjoy these pancakes, I want to challenge you to raise your expectations, not just for your food, but for yourself. What are you aiming for in life right now? Too many people get comfortable with the status quo. They’re just happy to get through the day without any major hiccups, keeping their heads down, and blending in.

But is that what you really want? Do you want to just get by, or do you want to excel? Think about it. You have the power to expect more from yourself. Expect more from your workouts, your diet, your relationships, and your life.

Actionable Step:
Set one stretch goal this week. Maybe it’s pushing yourself to a new PR in the gym, waking up 30 minutes earlier to get more done in the morning, or swapping out processed snacks for something more nourishing. Write it down, commit to it, and track your progress. Small steps lead to big results.

A Pancake with Purpose

The beauty of these Banana Chocolate Chip Pancakes is that they represent balance. You’re not on a rigid diet where you can’t enjoy the foods you love. Instead, you’re learning to make better choices, both in the kitchen and in life. Remember, food isn’t the enemy; it’s a tool. Learn how to use it wisely, and it’ll serve you well.

Let’s break it down:

  • Coconut Flour: A nutrient-dense, gluten-free alternative that’s high in fiber and protein.
  • Banana: Adds natural sweetness without the need for added sugar.
  • Dark Chocolate Chips: A small indulgence, but when you choose quality dark chocolate, you're getting antioxidants and a bit of magnesium, which can support muscle function.

Actionable Step:
Try making your own modifications. Maybe you want to swap out the chocolate chips for blueberries or add a scoop of protein powder to boost the protein content. Experiment with ingredients that align with your goals.

As you think about your next move, remember that success is often about mastering the basics and then pushing just a little bit harder. It’s about preparing your meals, nailing your workouts, and holding yourself accountable. But it’s also about balance—enjoying a pancake here and there, knowing it won’t derail your progress.


So, what's the "one thing" you're going to stop doing today? What's the "one thing" you're going to raise your expectations on? Small changes, done consistently, add up to significant results. And don’t forget—life’s about progress, not perfection. Just like these pancakes, it's all about finding the right balance.

To your success,

Coach Joe



Joseph Arangio helps 40+ men and women get leaner, stronger, and happier. He's delivered over 100,000 transformation programs to satisfied clients around the globe. If you want to lose weight from home, with the best online personal trainer, or you want to visit the best personal trainer in the Lehigh Valley, you can take a free 14-day trial.

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