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Best Bethlehem Personal Trainer for Weight Loss

mindset Dec 23, 2023
Best Bethlehem Longevity Personal Trainer | Arangio

I’ve seen my client-athletes accomplish some truly inspiring things.

They’ve dreamt of re-building their bodies, living outstanding lives, and having profound impacts. Then they set goals in order to accomplish those dreams.

I think most of us have big dreams.

Dreams of creating successful businesses, raising happy families, and even changing the world.

However, very few of us ever accomplish our dreams.

So why is that?

What's the difference between those who merely dream and those who actually achieve their vision?

Everything you want in life starts with an idea.

In other words, a dream.

But first, you need a reasonable plan.

Your plan serves as your GPS to get to that destination.

It provides clarity as to where you’re going. And clarity as to how you’ll get there.

Then you simply have to execute the plan.

What’s interesting is that we create a plan like this for our client-athletes, mainly over-40 folks, on an almost daily basis.

They tell us what they want to achieve and we map out a plan to help them get there and then coach them to hit their goal.

It’s their roadmap to success.

But what about the folks that neglect developing and following this roadmap?

Perhaps you spend your time reacting to what’s in front of you. Maybe you're furiously multi-tasking in hopes of seeing some improvement.

You have a vision for where you want to go, but you’re doing little to ever move toward that target.

And a few even have a plan, but it’s either too complex to execute or it doesn’t actually work in reality.

Here's a quick example of a "bad" plan.

Any plan that addresses only the professional side of your life is bound to negatively impact the personal side.

In other words, you don't take care of yourself because you are chasing the million-dollar salary much to the detriment of your health.

Your pursuit of financial excellence is making you fat, sick, and out-of-shape.

For successful folks, over the age of 40, there's a nice balance between faith, family, finances, and physical health.

Spend more time on one and you’re spending less time on the other.

So you must craft your plan in a way that will move you toward what you want both personally and professionally.

You need to simplify it as best you can, so you can focus on executing it.

And you need a supportive team.

Let me share a quick story.

A busy executive, I’ll call him Zeus, can’t seem to lose weight.

He’s got about 30 pounds of belly fat. You know, the dangerous kind that hangs over his pants and belt and puts him at higher risk of diabetes, cancer, and heart disease.

Now this gentleman trains hard with me, rarely missing a session; however, he is not serious about his nutrition.

Zeus and I “have a talk” after I notice his weight creeping up on the scale.

Then we reformulate a smart plan-of-action to help him manage aging.

Now he can take small steps on a daily basis to move toward where he wants to go and before long he’ll get there.

But, just as on any journey to a far-away destination, without a map, you’re not likely to get there.

So with that in mind, I'm here to help you identify your desired destination and guide you to create a simple map to get there.

By the way, if we decide to work together, I'll guarantee your results.

That's how confident I am in my proven fitness-and-nutrition coaching system.

If you're ready, keep reading because I have a special offer for you.

The Ultimate Bethlehem Longevity Personal Trainer Helps You Lose Weight In 90 Days

Does losing weight and slowing aging feel like a never-ending-battle?

Maybe you've tried cold plunging or some crowded $10-per-month gym memberships and quit.

Perhaps you've even shelled out your hard-earned dollars and purchased a treadmill with the intention of losing your belly fat, only to watch it transform into another space to store your out-of-season clothes.

A lean body does not have to be a fantasy, especially if you're over 40 years.

In fact, getting healthy is something you can achieve with the right mindset and a smart plan-of-attack.

While not everyone is meant to look like a Barbie doll (especially the guys), there are countless studies that show how your weight affects your health.

With personal training in Bethlehem, your goals become reality (think flat abs and more energy) as your very own coach cheers you on as you meet your weight loss goals.

You Take No Risk With This Amazing Free Trial Offer

Diet is a foolish word.

But the concept of mindful nutrition is an important part of a weight loss plan.

Studies claim 80% of how you look is diet related. I would agree.

But no legitimate nutrition plan will promise results without a structured and customized resistance-training program that is supervised by a Bethlehem age-management personal trainer.

You see, a smart personal training program is the secret ingredient that helps you stay focused when it comes to eating portion-controlled meals, getting enough sleep, and managing your stress.

A Bethlehem longevity personal trainer may seem like an unnecessary expense when you could just as easily hop on the treadmill and do long slow cardio.

Kind of like a hamster running on a wheel.

But you are not a hamster, right?

Why You Must Invest In Your Health

There are a few reasons for why you should invest in a longevity personal trainer.

1. Get a Proven Plan

A Bethlehem personal trainer can not only give you an extensive and accurate fitness evaluation, but he can also provide advice regarding your caloric intake.

In fact, you can claim your free Strategy Session which includes body fat assessment, goal setting, and "before" pictures.

Why take your picture when you begin? Mainly so you can look back in a few months and see how much you've accomplished.

2. Don't Hurt Yourself

In addition, personal training in Bethlehem can help assure that you are using the equipment properly.

Proper exercise technique is critical so you stay on pace to hit your goal and avoid injury.

Starting an exercise plan is easy; however, following a consistent training schedule, year after year, is tough unless you have the guidance of an experienced Bethlehem personal trainer.

3. Stay Accountable

Have you ever felt unmotivated to exercise?

You stare at the treadmill. And the treadmill glares back and dares you take a ride.

That machine is only a few feet away; but for some reason (usually fear), you just can't climb on and go.

If you commit to walking, it rains.

If you make a promise to go to the gym, your exercise buddy calls out sick with the sniffles.

Are you allowing day-to-day life hurt your health?

Bottom line: Missed workouts slow your results.

Having a personal trainer in Bethlehem can give you the boost you need to be accountable.

It provides a working relationship in which your trainer is expecting to see your results.

For many people, having that accountability is just what is needed to finally lose weight.

It never hurts to have a cheerleader celebrating that two-or-three-pound weight loss when no one else may be noticing just yet.

4. Create Your Customized Program

If you're the type of person who just hops onto a treadmill and walks for an hour, you aren't maximizing calorie burning.

And you do want to maximize your efforts to get the quickest results, don't you?

After the initial evaluation, you will receive a plan-of-action which includes the nutrition masterclass.

Your Bethlehem personal trainer will evaluate your progress weekly, and course correct, in order to ensure your success.

Once you reach your priority-one goal, you'll need to continue to work smart in order to maintain excellence.

Your expert personal trainer walks through this weekly progress-check-in process with you.

But what about the days you aren't in the gym?

Well, your Bethlehem personal trainer can also help you find new interests that you may have never tried on your own to help offset boredom.

New and exciting hobbies such as pickleball, basket weaving, and asparagus tossing.

Another important thing is to find out what the investment is and what's included when you hire a Bethlehem longevity personal trainer.

When you say that you cannot afford to invest in your health, in most cases it means that you have another concern that is keeping you from making the financial commitment.

Alternatively, it means that you don't think an investment in your health is a priority at the moment. Perhaps you are saving up for something else that's more important than your physical well being.

Smart men and women, over the age of 40, understand that working with a Bethlehem personal trainer adds years to your life and quality to your years.

You can slow aging with the right personal training program.

How long/frequent are the sessions, how much is the tuition, and are there any other application requirements?

Ask if there are personal training packages available.

This is a trick question designed to see if you are dealing with a true expert Bethlehem longevity personal trainer.

The candid response should be, "What is your priority-one goal?"

After all, you are investing in achieving this one thing.

Maybe it's losing 20 pounds. Or maybe it's simply to gain more confidence in a swimsuit.

Perhaps you have arthritis and are trying to strengthen the muscles around your aching joints, which can help to reduce your pain.

Although you can't put a price tag on your fitness, the price is indeed a factor.

Check your budget to see where you are spending your hard-earned dollars

By investing in your health today, you are giving yourself a better quality of life, a social network, and countless benefits of resistance training exercise.

Don't consider it as "having to do" an exercise routine.

Consider it a different way of life, meeting new friends, and getting into the best shape of your life.

Following a proven plan of smart training, mindful nutrition, stress management, and getting deep sleep will improve your life in so many ways.

Start today so you can become the best version of yourself.

So you can lead by example and create generational health.

Start today so you can leave a happy legacy.

To your success,

Coach Joe



Joseph Arangio helps 40+ men and women get leaner, stronger, and happier. He's delivered over 100,000 transformation programs to satisfied clients around the globe. If you want to lose weight from home, with the best online age-management personal trainer, or you want to visit the best longevity personal trainer in the Lehigh Valley, you can take a free 14-day trial.

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Start Your Free 14-Day Trial

Learn the proven step-by-step system to lose weight, get strong, and slow aging. Your first two weeks are on us.