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HomeBody Challenge TV Show

accountability Sep 28, 2024
HomeBody Challenge TV Show

Imagine if you had something to prove and everything you did was recorded.  

Of course you would be more likely to show up and do your best.  

Why? Because you have something to prove and, well, almost every move you make is recorded. But that begs an important question: How are you held accountable?  

You need accountability to stay true to your goals; however, you may not know what holds you accountable. Some people need regular check-ins, some people need to know that someone is counting on them.  

For me, I thrive off of social accountability. I know that there are a lot of eyes on me at all times. Whether it’s eyes on my daily lesson, eyes on me when I’m coaching, or eyes on our satisfied clients. These things keep me accountable because I don’t want to let anybody down. 

But it got me thinking. How would you act if you were being filmed 24/7? Sounds weird but it's actually a great accountability mindset.  

There is no denying it, when the lights are on you, when you're on stage, and when the camera is rolling you may be more mindful of your habits. So, why not use that to your advantage?  

Imagine that you're being filmed over the next 15 months. When it's time to rise for your 6:40AM training session, will you hit the snooze button and sleep in?  

Will you eat a stack of buttery pancakes for breakfast even though you committed to losing one pound of bodyfat this week?  

Will you binge watch your favorite Netflix series past midnight versus prioritizing a good night's sleep?

You see, the hardest thing to do is to work hard when nobody is watching. Well, what if everyone is watching?  

People are watching you, listening to you, reading your body language, and noticing things out of the corner of their eyes. So why not lead by example?

I choose to have only good days and great days. What about you?  

For some, this mindset tactic may not work; but for others, it could be a game changer.  

If you're on stage, with spotlights shining and cameras rolling, you will make better decisions. I promise you.  

Yes, it's easy to sit and eat a bag of chips on the couch when no one is around. But what if YOU were on camera?  

Would you practice mindful nutrition or do a smart workout instead? Would you get into bed early with a good book?  

If you want success, you have to work hard when nobody's watching. Give it a try and let me know what you think  

Speaking of cameras...

HomeBody Challenge TV Show

Lights, camera, action.

We're having a blast co-hosting the healthy-home renovation TV series, HomeBody Challenge, where we help folks renovate their bodies and create healthy habits at home.

The show is fighting obesity by encouraging viewers to follow simple habits that help viewers get leaner, stronger, and manage aging. 

S1, E2 - Healthy Kitchen Remodel & Seiler Transformation

Summary: Coaches Joe and Sharon Arangio help a busy couple with four kids upgrade their eating habits while still enjoying food. A bonus room becomes a home gym so they can excuse-proof their fitness routine. At the Arangio house, a kitchen remodel makes healthy meal prep a breeze.


S1, E1 - Modern American Farmhouse Makeover & Benedetto Transformation

Summary: Joe and Sharon encourage a husband-and-wife team of chiropractors to lose weight, get strong, and heal their own back pain. Plus, a storm-damaged roof and a serious mold problem gives the Arangios an opportunity to transform their 20-year-old home into a modern American farmhouse.


HomeBody Challenge Pilot - Backyard Relaxation Retreat & Tranguch Transformation

Summary: Nick Tranguch loses over 80 pounds and transforms his life with family support and a proven plan. The Arangios get backyard upgrades to help them relax and recover from stress.


The show is filmed in the Lehigh Valley and showcases home-renovation experts.

It also supports an amazing charitable organization, Habitat for Humanity, that helps families build and improve places to call home.

When it comes to filming a healthy-home renovation TV show, there are so many people to thank; however, I should mention a few.

  • The Good Lord, for everything I have in this life
  • Sharon, for your eternal patience, love, and passion for helping others get healthy
  • Mom and Dad, for teaching me to follow my passion
  • My siblings and extended family too

We should probably thank our kids, Gia and George, but they didn't have much of a choice in the matter.

Much gratitude to the entire production team, especially Julianna Harrison, Paul Shannon and Rob Jaeger, for creating an entertaining story that is encouraging our fellow Americans to get healthy.

Eternal thanks to our national sponsors who make this series possible. Your financial support helps us create educational, entertaining content that teaches the habits of health to fight obesity in our community and beyond.




The show broadcasts, on regional cable TV, to subscribers located in approximately 250 communities in Central and Northeastern Pennsylvania and Northwestern New Jersey.

It reaches over 2.3 million total "impressions," on cable TV alone.

In addition, the healthy-home renovation show has been featured in fun publications like Lehigh Valley Magazine and in Lehigh Valley Marketplace, as well as on the websites and social media platforms of the major show sponsors.

So thank you for watching and stay tuned for more to come!

Your friend,

Coach Joe

P.S. If your home is in need of healthy upgrades, plus you have at least 10 pounds of bodyfat to lose, go ahead and apply to be on the show.



Joseph Arangio helps 40+ men and women get leaner, stronger, and happier. He's delivered over 100,000 transformation programs to satisfied clients around the globe. If you want to lose weight from home, with the best online age-management personal trainer, or you want to visit the best longevity personal trainer in the Lehigh Valley, you can take a free 14-day trial.

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