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How a Coach Can Help You Focus

mindset Sep 18, 2024
How a Coach Can Help You Focus | Arangio

Overwhelmed and feeling stuck? Super-long to-do lists that never get done?

These days, it's hard to keep up. There's so much to do, know, and accomplish. No wonder why you feel exhausted all the time. It’s no surprise that you're stressed, and your anxiety is through the roof.

You have decision fatigue, you're pulled in 500 different directions, and you can’t focus. But, most importantly, you can’t seem to get anywhere because you’re always overwhelmed and feeling stuck. That's okay because, at some point, pretty much everybody deals with this.

The good news is there’s a way to break through this cycle, and a coach can help you stay laser-focused on your target.

How a Coach Can Help You Focus on Your Target

I've seen plenty of people get totally thrown off by any hint of change or adversity. Well, if you can only have a decent day when the stars align, you're not going to have too many decent days. Life doesn’t work like that.

But here's the thing. A coach helps you find consistency, no matter what life throws at you. It's about teaching you how to take control of your focus, stay on track, and continue moving forward, even when things aren’t perfect.

So how do you get there?

For me, I've got four ways of addressing challenges—big or small—that help me stay positive and keep moving forward.

1. Remember the Good

It’s easy to get caught up in the problems, but there’s likely plenty of good going on that is getting overlooked. It’s about recognizing the basic things, like having healthy food to eat, fresh water to drink, clean clothes, and comfortable shelter. It’s about surrounding yourself with your family and loved ones.

Just recognizing that, in the whole scheme of things, it’s actually the fundamentals that matter. When you train your mind to focus on the positives, you start to shift your energy. Instead of constantly worrying, you focus on gratitude and what’s working well in your life. This mindset shift can instantly lower your stress and help you become more resilient in the face of challenges.

Action step: Every morning, write down three things you're grateful for. Start small. It could be as simple as having a warm cup of coffee or the chance to move your body today. Over time, this daily habit can completely rewire your brain to focus on the positive.

2. Shift to Solutions

It's easy to dwell on problems, but dwelling on them won’t solve anything. Instead, always look for solutions. This mental shift allows you to resolve things quicker and keeps you focused on the desired outcome rather than getting stuck in the current situation.

A coach will help you see problems as opportunities to grow and guide you toward the next step forward. The focus becomes all about what you can control, not the roadblocks. It’s a more empowering way to live, and it moves you from feeling helpless to being proactive.

Action step: The next time you're faced with a challenge, ask yourself, "What's the next action I can take to solve this?" Write down that action, no matter how small, and take the step immediately. Momentum builds as you move from problem to solution.

3. Adjust Expectations

If you set unrealistic expectations or constantly move the goalpost after achieving something, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment. When your attention is scattered, don’t expect as much of yourself as when you’re 100% focused.

A coach can help you set realistic, achievable goals that align with your current capacity. And just as importantly, they’ll help you celebrate those small wins along the way. Achieving even the smallest goal builds confidence and reinforces positive behavior, making it easier to keep progressing.

Action step: Break down your big goals into smaller, more manageable steps. If your goal is to lose 20 pounds, focus on losing 5 pounds first. Achieve that, celebrate it, and then move on to the next milestone. Each small victory brings you closer to your ultimate goal.

4. Stop Doing So Many Things

Don’t boil the ocean. Focus on one pot at a time. In other words, pick just one priority, one goal. When you narrow your focus, your chances of success skyrocket. This principle applies to fitness, nutrition, and every other area of life.

A coach will help you identify your most important goal and create a strategy to focus on that goal until it’s accomplished. Then, and only then, do you move on to the next thing. It’s about doing less but better.

Action step: Take out a piece of paper and write down your top three priorities. Now cross out two of them. Focus on that one priority for the next week. Notice how much progress you can make when you aren’t pulled in multiple directions.

The Power of Accountability

One of the most important roles a coach plays is holding you accountable. It’s easy to let yourself off the hook, but when you have someone checking in with you, it’s harder to make excuses. A coach will help you stay on track, adjust when necessary, and keep pushing toward your goals even when you want to quit.

Accountability isn’t just about someone telling you what to do. It’s about partnership. A coach listens, advises, and adjusts your plan when life throws you curveballs. This ongoing support is what makes coaching so powerful.

Action step: Find an accountability partner or coach who can check in with you weekly. This can be a friend, mentor, or professional coach. Having someone to report to keeps you honest and focused.

Tracking Progress and Measuring Success

The reason why Arangio Athletic Fitness has been voted best personal trainer near Allentown, PA is because we help our coaching clients get results. And after decades of coaching, with over 100,000 transformation programs delivered successfully, one thing is clear: What gets measured gets managed.

Whether your goal is to get nine hours of deep sleep every night, lose 10 pounds of fat, or add 50 pounds to your deadlift, you need a system to track your progress. This keeps you honest and helps you see the connection between your actions and your results.

Action step: Set up a simple tracking system. If you're working on weight loss, use a food journal or app to log your meals. If your goal is to sleep better, use a sleep tracker to monitor your nightly rest. Seeing your progress in real-time is one of the best ways to stay motivated.

Redefine Yourself

It’s time to redefine yourself. Time to get focused. Time to cut out all the junk that clutters your mind, kills your productivity, and stops you from reaching your full potential. A coach will help you sift through the noise, narrow your focus, and create a roadmap to success.

Remember: Clarity leads to confidence, which leads to success and happiness. When you have clarity, the anxiety goes away. Like magic, results start to skyrocket. And as you achieve success in one area of your life, whether it’s fitness, relationships, or career, that success trickles down into other areas.

Action step: Spend 10 minutes each day in quiet reflection. No phone, no distractions. Just focus on your breath and allow yourself to get clear on what matters most. This practice will help you find clarity and reduce the overwhelm.

Need Help? I’m Here for You

If you need help finding clarity and achieving the results you truly want and deserve, I’m here for you. Coaching isn't just about workouts and nutrition—it's about helping you navigate life with purpose, focus, and direction. Together, we can build the strongest, leanest, and most confident version of yourself. You don’t have to do it alone.


Life can feel overwhelming with so many things to do, but a coach helps you stay on track by teaching you to focus on one goal at a time. A coach also helps you stay positive, solve problems, set realistic goals, and stay accountable for your progress. When you focus and take small steps, you can be more successful in your fitness, health, and other areas of life.

To your success,

Coach Joe



Joseph Arangio helps 40+ men and women get leaner, stronger, and happier. He's delivered over 100,000 transformation programs to satisfied clients around the globe. If you want to lose weight from home, with the best online personal trainer, or you want to visit the best personal trainer in the Lehigh Valley, you can take a free 14-day trial.

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