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How to Avoid the Ostrich Technique

mindset Jun 13, 2024
How to Avoid the Ostrich Technique

When the titanic left the port, there was a very specific desired outcome for the people on board.

They wanted to enjoy the luxury of this incredible new boat and get to New York, safely of course.

We all know what happened.

One fateful night, the plans of every single person on that ship changed in an instant when the ship collided with an iceberg and sunk into the frigid depths of the Atlantic Ocean.

Take a look at your old ideas for getting in shape.

Perhaps your approach involved weight-loss injections or some shortsighted juice cleanse.

Maybe you "asked your doctor" about hormone replacement to combat your midlife crisis.

If your plans are not working, maybe it's time to crumple them up and toss them away.

All the stuff you wrote in your journal when you were fired up about "losing weight and getting in shape," well, it may not apply anymore because your grownup responsibilities got in the way.

The lesson for today is about taking the time to re-group, build a new plan, and make some great things happen.

If you are hiding out and hoping your health will go back to where things used to be when you were younger, you may be disappointed when you get the results of your upcoming bloodwork.

How to Avoid the Ostrich Technique

So many over-40 folks are struggling with exercising and nutrition because they decided to use the "Ostrich Technique."

But this isn't the case for everyone.

In fact, most of my clients have maintained optimal health or have gotten leaner and stronger over the past 12 months using "new" strategies like virtual fitness-and-nutrition coaching.

You're probably thinking, "Wait a minute, Ostrich Technique? Huh?"

It's when you bury your head in the sand and hope that the problem will simply go away.

But by ignoring a potential issue, you put your health at risk and, as we've seen with the prevalence of obesity, things may become difficult or even catastrophic.

And I'm witnessing this happen right now.

Side note: Ostriches do not actually stick their heads in the sand when there's trouble; however, this myth is a good metaphor for someone avoiding their problems.

With so many excuses to skip your workouts, it's more important now than ever to follow a smart training plan.

My threefold coaching mantra has always been:

  • Stay safe
  • Have fun
  • Get results

Sound familiar?

I know. I know. You're probably tired of hearing this because I've been saying it almost daily for the past 25+ years.

Never thought "staying safe" would involve avoiding processed foods and sedentary lifestyles; however, obesity-related conditions like cancer, heart problems, and diabetes are responsible for more death and devastation than ever before.

But even with all of this craziness, now is NOT the time to bury your head in the sand and "wait around" for perfect because perfect never happens.

Now that I'm north of 50, I'm not waiting around for anything.

Personally, I've been diligent with my workouts for decades. Some days I do a little work and other days I do a lot.

I'm still following mindful nutrition 90% of the time and counting my macros. The remaining 10% is reserved for fun foods like pizza and ice cream.

Sleep? That's always been a challenge, but I'm getting a better night's sleep thanks to cutting out coffee after 8:00AM and to an upgraded memory-foam pillow.

If you're struggling with your health, answer this question:

What can you do better?

Don’t be oblivious to the fact that things outside of your control impact you.

Until you’ve done everything you can to move toward where you want to go, why worry about those external factors?

But I’m always optimistic that things will continue to get better.

Schedule a few minutes to think about what you want to accomplish in the remainder of this year.

Here are seven questions to guide you:

1. What has to happen, both personally and professionally, for you to be happy with your progress on December 31st?

2. Are you on the right path? Getting everything done that you said you would?

3. Are you in better shape physically, financially, mentally, and emotionally?

4. Are you making consistent progress?

5. Are you improving your self confidence on a regular basis?

6. Getting out of your comfort zone and challenging yourself in ways you know you have to?

7. Overall, are you improving? Or are you in the same place you were in 2022... or 2019... or even 2013?

No matter where you are, today is the day to re-boot your mind and body.

Do any of these not-so-good habits sound familiar?

  • You waste time and make bad decisions
  • You procrastinate
  • You hold yourself back

Truth is, we're all our own worst enemy from time to time or, in some cases, all the time.

That's why everyone needs mentors, a support team, and accountability.

And that's why I started Arangio Athletic Fitness.

In 1996 I had this crazy idea to help busy men and women, over the age of 40 years, get lean and strong using the same techniques that college and professional athletes follow.

Years ago I also thought it would be smart to follow the same training principles that elite athletes do... using a dynamic warmup, resistance training, conditioning, and then recovery.

Tons of studies supported this method as the best way to reduce injury and win championships, so why not use this system to slow aging and win your day?

Nowadays, I continue to have a strong desire to teach performance nutrition to regular folks in their 40s, 50s, 60s, and beyond.

Countless national and world championship winners can attest to its effectiveness.

And that was my eureka moment: "Why not use the same proven sports-performance formula for my aging clients?"

Well, guess what? I've been coaching this "New Fountain of Youth" method for over 25 years with excellent success.

Whether you get your results virtually or in person, the main thing that matters is that you achieve measurable outcomes.

It's important that you stay safe and have fun too.

And today, I'm every bit as passionate about sharing my system with you.

I can literally guarantee your results because this method creates such predictable success.

If you commit to the proven program and do the work, you will create a leaner and stronger version of you.

You will lead by example for your family and for the people in your life who depend on you most.

You will create generational health, which will create a better life for your children and for your children's children.

So forgive yourself and get started.

We are counting on you.

To your success,

Coach Joe



Joseph Arangio helps 40+ men and women get leaner, stronger, and happier. He's delivered over 100,000 transformation programs to satisfied clients around the globe. If you want to lose weight from home, with the best online longevity personal trainer, or you want to visit the best age-management personal trainer in the Lehigh Valley, you can take a free 14-day trial.

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