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How to Be Weird

mindset Jan 17, 2025
How to Be Weird | Arangio

"I haven't been to a training session since November."

That was the line my client greeted me with as I said "hello" to them recently.

And guess what? It's totally okay.

Everybody knows December can be a tough month. Holidays, snowy weather, family responsibilities, endless cookie trays—it's a perfect storm for skipping workouts. In fact, I know some of you reading this haven’t followed a consistent fitness-and-nutrition program in years, maybe even decades. And you know what? That’s okay too.

But if you’re ready to make this year the year you actually get in shape, you’ve got to embrace being weird.

How to Be Weird

You’ve probably heard me say this before: fitness is a series of sprints and jogs. You can’t be sprinting all the time, but you also can’t be jogging forever, because eventually, you’ll be jogging right back into a bigger pant size.

December is a "jog" month. You coast through, maintain where you’re at, and try not to turn into a human cinnamon roll.

But January? January is the sprint. This is when you put the hammer down and actually make progress that catapults you into the spring, looking and feeling like a million bucks.

Of course, you can’t expect different results if you keep doing the same thing every year. We all know the definition of insanity. And yet, every January, gyms are packed with people who still think they can wing it without a plan.

If you want better results, you have to take different actions. And that means embracing something most people are terrified of: being weird.

One of the things I’ve come to accept is that successful people are weird. They act differently. They make choices that seem strange to the average person.

Want to lose fat, get strong, and slow aging? Be different.

Because if you do what everyone else is doing, you’ll get the same results they’re getting. And let me tell you, the stats on "everyone else" aren’t great.

  • Two-thirds of American adults are overweight or obese.

  • Most people are tired, stressed, and popping blood pressure meds like they’re Tic Tacs.

  • The average person quits their New Year’s resolution by February 1st.

You really want to be normal? Yikes.

Instead, you have to be the weirdo—the one who eats different, trains different, and actually sticks with it.

What "Being Weird" Looks Like

🐸 Meal Prep Like a Maniac
Your friends are winging it. Grabbing whatever is “convenient.” And then wondering why they’re gaining weight. Meanwhile, you’re over here measuring your protein and packing your meals like a professional athlete.

Your coworkers might make fun of your Tupperware tower in the office fridge. Who cares? You’ll have abs by summer, and they’ll still be ordering extra fries.

🐸 Train When Nobody Else Will
Most people “can’t find the time” to work out. Know what that means? They’re prioritizing Netflix, doom-scrolling, or hitting snooze five times.

Be the weirdo who gets up early to train. Or the one who lifts weights while your neighbors are arguing over where to order takeout.

Your body doesn’t care if it’s "convenient." Your muscles don’t grow based on what’s easy. They grow because you put in the work when others won’t.

🐸 Skip the Junk Everyone Else Loves
Wine and cheese after dinner? That’s an easy 600 extra calories keeping you from your goals.

“But Joe, I deserve a treat!”

Sure, you do. But you also deserve to feel good, have energy, and not need an elastic waistband by April. Prioritize what you want most over what you want in the moment.

🐸 Invest in Coaching Instead of Quick Fixes
Most people spend money on nonsense: fad diets, detox teas, and “miracle” weight loss scams. You know what actually works? Having a solid plan, real guidance, and accountability.

Normal people keep throwing money at gimmicks. Weirdos invest in coaching that actually gets them results.

The Three Keys to Long-Term Success

At the end of the day, results come down to three things:

1. Frequency of Workouts

Train four times per week. Each session should be about 40 minutes. That’s less than 2% of your week.

And no, you don’t need some crazy hardcore routine. Just show up, move with purpose, and train smart. Every person over 40 has some kind of injury or limitation, so work around it. A good coach helps with that.

2. Mindful Nutrition

Losing fat isn’t magic—it’s physics. You need to eat less than you burn. But people love overcomplicating this.

Every “diet” out there boils down to the same thing: creating a calorie deficit.

  • Keto? Cuts carbs to naturally reduce calories.

  • Intermittent fasting? Limits the window you can eat in, reducing calories.

  • Paleo? Cuts out processed junk, reducing calories.

  • Weight Watchers? Uses a points system to… you guessed it, reduce calories.

There’s no magic trick. Just find a system that helps you eat less without making you miserable, and stick with it.

3. Accountability

You need someone who actually checks in with you, holds you to your commitments, and helps you course-correct when things get tough.

The reason people fail? They try to do it alone. If you want lasting change, get a coach, join a solid program, or find a community that keeps you accountable.

You Already Have Everything You Need

A lot of people tell themselves they’ll start “when they’re ready.” When they have more time, or money, or motivation.

That’s just an excuse.

You don’t need perfect circumstances. You just need to start.

You already have what it takes to be successful. You just have to act like it.

Look, you don’t need another year of wishing you were in better shape. You don’t need another failed resolution. You just need to commit to showing up differently.

Be weird.

Pack your meals when nobody else does. Train when everyone else is on the couch. Stick with it when the rest of the world gives up.

And a year from now, while everyone else is making the same old excuses, you’ll be sitting there, stronger, leaner, and feeling better than ever.

So what’s it going to be? Normal… or weird?

You just need to go do it.


Most people follow the crowd—skipping workouts, eating junk, and wondering why they feel terrible. But if you want real results, you’ve got to be weird—train when others won’t, meal prep like a pro, and make choices that set you apart. Success comes down to three things: consistent workouts, mindful nutrition, and accountability. Train four times a week, eat in a calorie deficit, and get a coach to keep you on track. You already have everything you need to succeed—you just have to act like it. Be different. Be weird. And get the results “normal” people never will.

To your success,

Coach Joe



Joseph Arangio helps 40+ men and women get leaner, stronger, and happier. He's delivered over 100,000 transformation programs to satisfied clients around the globe. If you want to lose weight from home, with the best online age-management personal trainer, or you want to visit the best longevity personal trainer in the Lehigh Valley, you can take a free 14-day trial.

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