How to Become an Arangio Hero
Jan 24, 2024
What exactly is an #ArangioHero?
If you’re somewhat new to the Arangio Athletic Fitness Family, you’ve probably come across us using this term in one way or another.
An Arangio Hero is a person committed to the path of health. You are dedicated to fighting obesity and helping over-40 men and women get lean, strong, and happy.
You lead from the front.
In fact, if you wanted to get inspired or learn how others are currently using Arangio, simply tap here and you’ll see some incredible transformations.
Why We Started the #ArangioHero Program
Years ago, Arangio was created to help over-40 men and women create their ideal body and life. Our mission was, and still is, to help you get lean, strong, and slow aging.
Back then, before the internet, you either had to go to the library and read a book to learn how to get healthy. Or you had to find a personal trainer at your local gym.
Oh, how the times have changed.
Today, using a tool like Arangio, it’s not only easier than ever to get healthy, but far more cost effective as well. By a lot.
But along with having access to the best online longevity personal trainer, like Arangio, so too came having access (or a flood of access) to all kinds of confusing or conflicting information on the “right” way to lose weight and get in shape.
Do this. Do that. Do everything.
After delivering over 100,000 transformation programs to men and women, over-40 yeas old, we see “information overwhelm” happening all the time.
And this is one of the biggest reasons we started the #ArangioHero program.
- We did this to fight the obesity epidemic.
- We did this to help you slow aging.
- We did this to help you get lean and strong, like an athlete.
Truth is, we only succeed if you do. When we help you achieve your number-one goal, like lose 30 pounds of fat in 30 weeks, others take notice.
Your friends, family, and co-workers start asking, "You look so young and healthy! What are you doing?"
And then you share your success and help them get healthy too. And we reward you.
What’s Different About Arangio Heroes
Our current #ArangioHeroes are no different than you.
Some have children, others have jobs, and some have both. But everyone juggles multiple grownup responsibilities. Yet something calls them from within.
Maybe you're searching for a different kind of lifestyle with more control over your health.
Or maybe it’s a new standard of living for your family with a dramatic increase in quality of life.
You’re busy, accomplished, and capable of making a change.
What makes you so special is your committed pursuit of leading by example and helping others get healthy.
You're tough and you don't quit either.
You ditch the common excuses that there's "not enough time" to get healthy.
Instead, you know what you want and you move toward it every day.
We are proud of you and especially grateful that you've chosen Arangio as the platform to deliver your healthy-living message out into the world.
Because your success is our success, and we like it that way.
How to Become an Arangio Hero
Hopefully it helps you to see that other people just like you, in possibly the same situation you’re in, are getting leaner, stronger, and healthier at this moment.
Because here’s the thing…
Getting started and encouraging that first person to train smart and eat mindfully is just the first step to something much bigger, like your legacy.
The opportunities are endless as you simply lead by example and encourage others to follow the habits of health.
And Arangio can provide your referrals with a paint-by-numbers plan, plus coaching and accountability required for long-term health and happiness.
We'll reward you when your referrals join our fitness-and-nutrition coaching programs.
And we’re here to support you every step of the way.
3 Simple Steps To Accelerate Your Progress
Here are three simple steps you can take right now to earn money when you help others get healthy.
Get out of your own way and embrace the power of a proven system.
#1: Motion Beats Meditation
You've probably experienced the effects of paralysis by analysis. Wondering day in and day out if you have the right "diet book" or if you should train at home or join a gym.
And then, right as you're about to take action, you see a "new" diet and the entire thing comes undone.
“I’m just not ready yet.”
"I need to do more research."
“I can always start this tomorrow.”
Sound familiar?
And look, there’s definitely some reality to your situation.
Maybe someone actually is more experienced than you are right now.
Maybe you really are tight on time.
Maybe you do need to think something through again.
Only you truly know what’s true for you.
But remember: “Motion beats meditation.”
The lesson in this step is to have a bias towards action, not towards talking yourself out of your own goals or future success.
Your imperfect actions right now will undoubtedly do more for you than any perfect in-actions ever could.
All of our #ArangioHeroes are action takers instead of excuse makers.
Does that mean you don’t think things through or approach your online referral business without a practical plan or overall strategy?
Of course not. Just like an archer needs a bow, arrow, and something to aim at, so do you.
But nothing happens until you release and let the arrow fly.
And nothing happens until you act.
So what’s your single action you could take today that would make a difference tomorrow?
Write it down. Commit to completing it. Then act.
#2: Small Steps To Move Faster
It can be a little intimidating and overwhelming, especially when you're just getting started, to see the amazing success of others.
You may have felt this way in the past.
But every journey begins with the first small step.
We have #ArangioHeroes using our platform to fight the obesity epidemic.
And you know what?
Before you help a dozen referrals get healthy and eliminate obesity... you help just one.
We have created so many done-for-you resources to help you spread the word about how to get leaner, stronger, and happier... books, courses, coaching programs (in-person and online).
Maybe you’re just starting out and are in the process of helping your very first friend or family member get healthy.
Or maybe you’re already a little way down the road, using Arangio to help hundreds of people in your corporate wellness program.
No matter where you are, small incremental steps will move you in the right direction.
One foot after the other. One referral after the other. One sale after the other.
That’s how it’s worked for the #ArangioHeroes and it’s exactly how it will work for you.
Which should come as great news.
Instead of focusing on your never-ending to-do list, take one thing, chunk it down, and start there.
Then toss the list out of view because you don’t need it untill you’re done.
Wondering what free resources you should send out to the folks you are helping to get healthy? To get the ball rolling?
Spend some time looking through the #ArangioHero done-for-you books and resources to help jump-start healthy habits.
That could be your next step.
Or maybe your next step is starting a risk-free trial and experiencing the Arangio platform for yourself.
Perfect. Do that.
You can start your 14-Day Free Trial right here.
The key to becoming an #ArangioHero is maintaining momentum.
And you do that by small, consistent steps. That’s it.
What’s your next small step and when will you take it?
Do it and you’ll be moving faster than you ever would standing still, in awe of the many steps someone else has already taken.
#3: Imperfect Is Perfect
Another common roadblock to helping others get healthy, and earning money when your referral joins Arangio, is the false belief that everything needs to be perfect before you begin.
Which is silly if you think about it.
How many times do some of the biggest companies in the world get it wrong?
How many times do they release buggy, ugly, or imperfect solutions without really ever being negatively impacted at all?
The answer? All the time.
Are we saying do this intentionally?
Obviously not.
You should give your best effort; however, embrace the powerful reality that imperfect is perfect.
The obesity epidemic is arguably the biggest health crisis in modern history. It’s even more critical for us to collaborate as we fight against unhealthy habits and encourage mindfulness in training, nutrition, and accountability .
Not only because it will help you earn referral money faster, but it’s actually in the best interest of the folks out there who are fat, sick, and out-of-shape.
Imagine if you had a powerful conversation with the leaders of a corporate wellness program.
They are struggling to increase employee productivity and reduce sick days.
You had your meeting scheduled for last week; but pushed it back (again) because you needed to "do more research" or something else to procrastinate.
Weeks later you finally have that meeting. During your talk, the corporate wellness director tells you how just a few weeks ago (the same day you were supposed to meet) he decided they would handle the program internally, just as they have in the past.
This man tells you how much he wished he would’ve had your solution a few weeks ago and thanks you for putting something so powerful together.
What do you think that corporate wellness professional cares about more?
Your "research" or the result your solution could provide him and so many employees?
He only wants to improve the health and productivity of his employees.
As you become more and more “okay” with imperfection -- not as the goal obviously -- your ability to market more effectively, and sell the done-for-you solutions to your referrals, almost instantly goes through the roof.
And, if you think about it... even the most “perfect” solutions break sometimes.
"Perfection” doesn’t even exist in reality, so stop chasing it.
Food for thought, right?
Bottom line: Don't wait for perfect. Take imperfection action now.
Use Arangio to Help Others Get Healthy
We know that you want to lead by example and create generational health. After that, you want to leave a happy legacy.
We also know there are people out there who are struggling with obesity and are crying themselves to sleep at night.
That’s why we created Arangio.
It’s a full-featured platform that allows professionals like you to create their own businesses from home, or wherever, by referring others to Arangio.
We offer proven marketing tools to help you spread the word about Arangio and earn more revenue when your referrals join.
Of course, launching a business represents a huge commitment. We understand that.
To help ease you into the process of creating a referral business of your own, we offer a 14-day free trial.
Get unlimited access to our proven body-transformation program so you can fully explore what Arangio has to offer.
Are you ready to become your own boss? Now’s the time.
To your success,
Coach Joe
Joseph Arangio helps 40+ men and women lose weight, gain strength, and slow aging. He's delivered over 100,000 transformation programs to satisfied clients around the globe. If you want to increase longevity with the best online age-management program, or you want to visit the best age-management program in the Lehigh Valley, you can take a free 14-day trial.