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How to Break Through Your Barriers

mindset Jan 18, 2025
How to Break Through Your Barriers | Arangio

I meet a lot of men and women over the age of 40 who are stuck.

And I mean stuck—like a Smart Car wedged between two SUVs in a parking lot.

They're frustrated with their lack of discipline and, as a result, their poor health. They look at their reflection and wonder where that person with energy, strength, and a waistline went. It’s like watching an old home movie of yourself and thinking, “Who’s that guy? He looks familiar. Oh wait, it’s me... 20 years ago.”

The sad part? Many folks do nothing about it.

Sure, you might "try" a new exercise program. But saying you’ll "try" is like saying you’ll "try" not to eat the entire jar of extra-crunchy peanut butter at midnight. We all know how that ends.

If you really want something, you attack it with a singular focus.

You don’t just “try.” You commit. You say, “This is a priority for me.”

The Myth of Getting Better with Age

People think they'll naturally improve as they get older—like fine wine. But let me tell you, most people don’t age like a Bordeaux. They age like a forgotten banana on the kitchen counter—bruised, sagging, and attracting fruit flies.

Biological aging is not some magic ingredient that guarantees success. In fact, if you do nothing, things tend to get worse. It’s physics. Entropy. Your body doesn’t just wake up one day and say, “Hey, let’s tighten up these love handles and give this guy a six-pack.” No, it says, “Let’s store more fat for the winter and make bending over feel like an Olympic event.”

Problems don’t go away on their own.

Unless you address them head-on, they just keep growing. Like that weird noise in your car. Ignore it long enough, and suddenly you’re on the side of the road calling AAA.

So stop deliberating, overthinking, and waiting for the perfect time. Make a decision and take imperfect action.

How to Break Through Your Barriers

Today is the day to put your foot down and move ahead. Not tomorrow. Not next Monday. Today.

Transformation doesn’t happen in isolation. You need a support system. Invest in yourself. Find people who will push you, hold you accountable, and make sure you don’t quit the first time your muscles feel sore.

At 52, I’m maintaining my strength and energy. Do I have aches and pains? Sure. But I manage them. I show up. I do the work. And as a result, I live a happy life surrounded by incredible people.

But let me tell you, I didn’t always think this way.

Twenty years ago, I thought I’d always have “bulky muscles” with zero definition. I thought I’d always have nagging injuries and self-doubt. I thought I’d always be too busy.

Sound familiar?

That’s a narrative in your head. A made-up story. Just like the one I told myself.

Change Your Narrative

The stories you tell yourself about your life shape your reality. If you constantly say, “I’m too old,” or “I’ll never get in shape,” guess what? Your brain believes you. And your actions follow suit.

But what if you flipped the script? What if you told yourself a new story?

Step 1: Identify Your Negative Narrative

Write down the negative thoughts you repeat to yourself. Maybe it’s:

  • “I’ll always be overweight.”

  • “I’m not athletic.”

  • “I don’t have time to work out.”

Awareness is the first step. If you don’t recognize the story you’re telling yourself, you can’t change it.

Step 2: Rewrite the Story

Once you see the pattern, flip it. Take your negative statements and turn them into empowering ones. Instead of:

  • “I’ll always be overweight,” say, “I am learning how to fuel my body and move effectively.”

  • “I’m not athletic,” becomes, “I am building strength and endurance every day.”

  • “I don’t have time,” shifts to, “I prioritize my health just like I do my job and family.”

Step 3: Take Small, Aligned Actions

Your new story needs proof to make it stick. Start with small, daily habits that reinforce your new narrative:

  • Commit to a 10-minute workout daily.

  • Replace one unhealthy meal with a nutrient-dense option.

  • Go to bed 30 minutes earlier to improve recovery.

Each small win reinforces your belief that you are capable of change.

Never Give Up: Everyone Has Bad Days

It’s easy to quit when things get tough. But success is about resilience.

You’re going to have bad days. Days where you don’t feel like working out. Days where you overeat. Days where life just feels hard.

But what separates those who succeed from those who don’t is persistence.

What to Do When You Feel Like Giving Up

  • Acknowledge the Setback: Don’t ignore your feelings. Recognize them and move forward.

  • Reframe the Situation: Instead of thinking, “I failed,” tell yourself, “I’m learning.”

  • Keep Showing Up: Even on bad days, do something—even if it’s just a five-minute workout.

  • Surround Yourself with Encouragement: Find people who uplift you.

Focus on Improving Yourself, Not Proving Yourself

Too often, people chase validation rather than personal growth.

When you focus on proving yourself to others, you base your self-worth on external approval. The problem? No matter how much validation you get, it’s never enough.

Instead, shift your focus to improving yourself.

How to Shift Your Mindset:

  1. Measure Progress, Not Perfection

  2. Set Internal Goals, Not External Ones

  3. Detach From Outcomes and Embrace the Process

  4. Surround Yourself With Growth-Oriented People

  5. Develop Self-Compassion

When you focus on improving yourself, you become stronger, more resilient, and more fulfilled. And the best part? You’re no longer chasing external validation. You’re building real, lasting confidence.

Take Time to Reflect

Think about the goals you set this month. Are you fully committed? Or are you just “trying”?

Learn to love the process. Stop comparing yourself to others. When you do that, your results will skyrocket. 

In this video lesson, I reveal my PROVEN method to approach the next 12 weeks with clarity and confidence.

If you find it helpful, please share with someone you care about.


Many over-40 men and women feel stuck in their health and fitness, frustrated by their lack of discipline. The key to lasting change isn’t just “trying” but fully committing. Aging doesn’t automatically improve your health—action does. Success requires embracing the process, not just chasing the outcome. If you stop waiting for the perfect time and start taking imperfect action, you’ll see real transformation. Change your narrative, rewrite your story, and take small, consistent actions that align with your goals. Never give up—everyone has bad days, but those who keep going achieve success. Focus on improving yourself, not proving yourself—when you do that, real success follows.

Now go out there and start cooking.

To your success,

Coach Joe



Joseph Arangio helps 40+ men and women get leaner, stronger, and happier. He's delivered over 100,000 transformation programs to satisfied clients around the globe. If you want to lose weight from home, with the best online longevity personal trainer, or you want to visit the best age-management personal trainer in the Lehigh Valley, you can take a free 14-day trial.

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Winter Phase 1: Week 4

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