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How to Control What You Can Control

mindset Dec 28, 2024
How to Control What You Can Control | Arangio

Oftentimes when I walk into Gia's room and George's room, I see nothing but disarray.

Clothes, toys, and random stuff everywhere.

I want to say it was like a tornado had hit it, but I’ve seen storms on TV and they look much neater than their rooms.

I try to stay organized so this kind of drives me crazy.

Then I think about when I go into their rooms and see them sleeping soundly and it grounds me every time.

After I see them, I can walk out with a smile, not because of the chaos, but because of the beauty in the midst of it.

I don’t know what your situation is.

Hopefully life is treating you well, but perhaps not.

But let me encourage you today.

No matter how chaotic your life is, there is beauty.

No matter how desperate, there is hope. No matter how lonely, we are cheering you on.

In dark times, you have to look for the beauty.

Sometimes you have to look really hard.

But it is there, waiting to be recognized.

Waiting to make you smile again.

How to Control What You Can Control

Building your Ideal Body (lean and strong like an athlete) always involves risk.

Just like everything else in life.

But I understand that sometimes it feels quite risky doing something new versus doing things the same old way that you normally do them.

In truth though, building the body and life you've always wanted is not any riskier than sticking with the status quo.

It's just different.

For most people, the risk of change is incredibly scary because it's different.

And you often fear the unknown.

But the truth is that, in both cases, the risk of not changing is much greater than...

  • The risk of settling
  • The risk of feeling trapped
  • The risk of mediocrity
  • The risk of letting self doubt win over belief in yourself

But as soon as you accept the risk of pursuing something new, you'll be rewarded in very tangible ways and in very intangible ways as well.

When you commit to your best self (the healthiest version of you) you'll be rewarded with more control over your time and future.

The rewards that everyone wants: More opportunity, security and freedom.

I feel incredibly thankful to have enjoyed the rewards of a lean-and-strong physique for decades.

But it has not been easy.

I'm human just like you and have had my share of ups and downs.

I practice daily habits of health.

I show up and consistently do the work.

And that's okay.

Being so healthy has afforded me the freedom to pursue my dreams of helping others get healthy.

I do my best to lead by example so I can continue to share these daily lessons with you.

This daily discipline has rewarded me with more happiness and fulfillment... rewards that are tough to measure, but perhaps even more important.

So hopefully my experiences can be of help to you and you can see that risk is not something to be avoided.

Instead, embrace change.

If you make an attempt, what's the worst thing that can happen?

Maybe you'll fail forward and then learn from it.

However not trying guarantees that you'll remain where you are.

Your limits are determined by two things:

  • Your goals
  • The focused attempts you're making to reach them

Will you pursue the leanest and strongest version of yourself?

Or will you risk regretting that you didn't?

To your success,

Coach Joe



Joseph Arangio helps 40+ men and women get leaner, stronger, and happier. He's delivered over 100,000 transformation programs to satisfied clients around the globe. If you want to lose weight from home, with the best online age management personal trainer, or you want to visit the best longevity personal trainer in the Lehigh Valley, you can take a free 14-day trial.

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