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The Truth About Success: Unicorns, Mindset, and Nutrition

mindset Sep 23, 2024
The Truth About Success: Unicorns, Mindset, and Nutrition | Arangio

Decide what you want, believe you deserve it, and put yourself in a situation to make it your reality.

It’s really that simple.

Respectfully speaking, please stop waiting for some quick-fix workout or magic diet pill.

Here’s a quick story about unicorns.

When my daughter, Giavanna, was nine years old, we had an ongoing debate. She emphatically argued that unicorns exist, simply because I couldn’t provide proof that they didn’t!

She thought we were on the cusp of some paleontologist stumbling on the fossilized remains of "Rainbow-Sparkle" from the Triassic era. This logic was the foundation for her, “mermaids are real, Dad” argument too.

Are unicorns real? Hmm.

In some ways, we’re all looking for unicorns. And by unicorns, I mean the magical solution that requires little to no effort but promises massive success—whether it’s finding the "perfect" diet, a miracle pill, or a quick-fix workout routine.

But let’s get real for a moment. If you’re waiting for someone to hand you success on a silver platter, I hate to break it to you—you’re going to be waiting for a while.

The Truth About Success

Here’s the real truth about success: It’s all about consistent, focused action. The people who are thriving in their health, fitness, and overall life aren’t chasing unicorns. They’re following a proven plan that includes smart training, deep sleep, managing stress, and staying accountable to an experienced coach.

Success isn’t some mystical event that only happens to a select few. It’s a process—one that can be replicated by anyone willing to put in the work.

I see two types of people: those who are still waiting for their unicorn (unsuccessful) and those who are putting in the work every day (successful).

Let me tell you about the successful ones. They don’t expect perfection, but they expect progress. They show up even when they don’t feel like it. They do the small things consistently—like following a paint-by-numbers nutrition formula that provides predictable, real results.

The unsuccessful ones? They’re still waiting on that unicorn-horn powder. They’re jumping from one fad to the next, searching for the easy way out. But success doesn’t come to those who wait—it comes to those who take deliberate action.

A Proven Path: Nutrition for Success

One of the biggest obstacles I’ve seen that holds people back—especially for those over 40—is mindless nutrition. It’s the missing link for so many of my client-athletes. Over the past 25+ years, I’ve worked with thousands of men and women, and I’ve seen the same mistakes over and over again. Most people are missing out on these three key nutritional building blocks.

So, if you’re struggling to achieve the body and health you want, start with these.

1. Protein: The Building Blocks of Your Muscles

Your body needs a consistent, adequate supply of protein throughout the day. Protein is essential for muscle growth, fat burning, immune health, hormone balance, and overall recovery. Without it, you’re setting yourself up for frustration.

Some of the best protein sources include lean meats, poultry, wild-caught fish, and organic eggs. Watch out for dairy products, though.

Did you know that about 65% of people have trouble digesting the natural sugars found in milk and milk products? Dairy can be a sneaky culprit, causing bloating, inflammation, and digestive discomfort in many people.

But here’s the deal—most folks just don’t get enough protein. And if you’re serious about reaching your body-composition goals, you must eat the right portion of lean protein. Overall daily protein intake is crucial for maintaining your muscle. Aim for 0.8 to 1.2 grams per pound of body weight.

If you find that difficult, a high-quality protein supplement can be a lifesaver. For example, I’ll often add a plant-based protein to my morning oatmeal or blend a delicious chocolate protein smoothie after a workout. It’s convenient, tasty, and ensures I’m hitting my daily protein target. I'll often use a plant-based protein with my oatmeal or blend in some chocolate protein powder to make this delicious dairy-free smoothie

2. Fats: The Good, the Bad, and the Sardines

I get it—sardines might not be everyone’s go-to snack. But when it comes to omega-3 fatty acids, these little fish pack a serious punch.

The typical American diet is full of omega-6 fatty acids, which promote inflammation. These are found in many processed foods, vegetable oils, and fried foods. In contrast, omega-3s are anti-inflammatory and play a critical role in brain, heart, and joint health.

Here’s why this matters: Chronic inflammation is linked to a range of serious conditions, including heart disease, cancer, and autoimmune disorders. If you’re not getting enough omega-3s, you’re doing your body a disservice.

Wild-caught fish, like sardines, salmon, and mackerel, are some of the best sources of omega-3s. I personally love a tin of sardines (boneless and skinless in olive oil) for a quick snack. If that’s not your thing, I recommend supplementing with a high-quality fish oil to fill the gap.

Beyond just omega-3s, healthy fats are vital for hormone production, brain function, and keeping your body lean. Think of fats like the oil in a finely tuned engine—without them, your body can’t run smoothly.

3. Micronutrients: The Secret Weapons

Vitamins and minerals may not get as much attention as protein or fats, but they’re equally important. These micronutrients are involved in every single function in your body, from energy production to immune support and muscle recovery.

However, it’s tough to consistently get all the essential vitamins and minerals from food alone. Soil depletion, modern farming techniques, and food processing mean that even the healthiest foods may not contain the nutrient density they once did.

That’s why most health-conscious people, myself included, take a high-quality multivitamin daily. It’s like insurance for your body—filling in the gaps where your diet may be lacking.

Common deficiencies I see include Vitamin D, magnesium, and B vitamins—all crucial for energy, muscle function, and maintaining a healthy immune system. If you’re struggling with fatigue, poor recovery, or general sluggishness, it’s worth looking into your micronutrient intake.

Success Requires Consistency

The bottom line is this: If you want to get leaner, stronger, and slow the aging process, it’s not enough to want it. You need a goal, a deadline, and a proven plan. But even with all those things in place, you also need one final ingredient: accountability.

Without accountability, even the best plan is just wishful thinking. The reason my client-athletes succeed is because they don’t go at it alone. They have a coach who’s been through the trenches, someone to guide them, encourage them, and yes, even give them a kick in the pants when necessary.

Success isn’t reserved for those with more time, better genetics, or a secret strategy. It’s available to anyone willing to put in the work, stay consistent, and stop waiting for unicorns.

So, are unicorns real? Maybe in the imaginations of nine-year-olds. But when it comes to achieving success in fitness, health, or any area of life, the only magic you need is consistency and action.

It’s time to stop waiting for the mythical and start building the reality you deserve.


Whether it's protein, fats, or essential vitamins and minerals, your body requires the right fuel to perform at its best. Combine these with a strong mindset, clear goals, and unwavering accountability, and you'll find that success is within your reach. Stop chasing unicorns. Start chasing results.

Book a free coaching call and we will put a plan together based on where you are right now, and where you want to go. Go here now and let's get to work on your transformation.

To your success,

Coach Joe

P.S. As for Gia's unicorn argument, I have yet to disprove her reasoning.



Joseph Arangio helps 40+ men and women lose weight, gain strength, and slow aging. He's delivered over 100,000 transformation programs to satisfied clients around the globe. If you want to increase longevity with the best online age-management program, or you want to visit the best age-management program in the Lehigh Valley, you can take a free 14-day trial.

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