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The Truth About Hard Work

mindset Jan 13, 2025
The Truth About Hard Work | Arangio

Growing up, hard work was a badge of honor.

“That guy is a hard worker.”

It was the strongest compliment many people could give. If someone was willing to sweat a little more or go a little longer, they were deemed successful.

But over the years, I’ve figured out something about that mindset. Working harder and harder is a short-sighted way of looking at things.

As a kid, I had a job delivering newspapers. In the beginning, I would stuff half of my newspapers into two oversized canvas messenger bags slung over my shoulders. I’d strain like crazy, walking up and down the hills on my paper route with all that weight.

When I was finished delivering that first half, I’d walk all the way back to the drop-off point and get the other half of my newspapers. Not very efficient, right?

Then one morning, I helped a friend with his paper route. He had a metal newspaper cart with a handle and sturdy wheels. He loaded his entire supply of newspapers into the cart and pulled it with relative ease. Not only was it less work, but he delivered all of his papers in half the time.

It didn’t take me long to get one of those carts for my own paper route.

The Truth About Hard Work

What’s the point of that story? Smart work beats hard work. Every time.

Fast forward to today. As a professional coach, I teach my client-athletes how to work smarter rather than harder. We focus on strategies like:

  • Batch-preparing weekly meals on Wednesdays and Sundays.

    • Time requirement: 2-4 hours per week.

  • Training for four 45-minute sessions per week.

    • Time requirement: 3 hours per week.

  • Getting eight hours of quality sleep nightly.

    • Time requirement: 56 hours per week (it’s a lot, but the rewards are countless).

  • Staying accountable to your weekly goals.

    • Time requirement: 10 minutes per week (possibly the best ROI).

Make no mistake: I’ve yet to meet a successful person who didn’t put in a ton of hours working hard on their goals. And I’ve never met someone who built their Ideal Body (the leanest, strongest, happiest version of themselves) with some shortsighted juice-cleanse diet or “eight-minute” ab workout.

But I’ve also never met someone who achieved lasting success by simply working harder without working smarter.

Steps to Start Working Smarter

Here are a few actionable strategies to help you:

  1. Decide Where You Want to Go and Develop a Plan

    • Start with a clear goal. For example, let’s say you want to lose 30 pounds.

    • Break that goal into small, actionable steps like eating mindfully, training four times a week, and sleeping better.

    • Then work the plan. Adjust as necessary, but stick to it.

  2. Understand That Being Busy Is Not the Goal

    • Anyone can be busy. The real question is: Who gets the most of the right things done each day?

    • Go into your day with 2-3 Most Important Tasks (MITs). Accomplish these before anything else.

  3. Think About the Value of Your Activities

    • When you spend time on something, ask yourself, “Is this the most valuable thing I could be doing right now?”

    • Look for ways to spend less time on activities that aren’t truly valuable.

Abraham Lincoln summed it up well: “Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.”

Lincoln didn’t shy away from the six hours of work. He simply suggested using those hours more efficiently. That’s how you get better results.

Focus on Habits

When you look at your goals, remember they’re achieved through a series of actions. Those actions, in turn, are driven by habits.

  • Flossing your teeth is a habit.

  • Sitting on the couch after dinner is a habit.

  • Getting up early to train is a habit.

If you do anything long enough, it becomes a habit. So, to make lasting change, you need to change your habits. Easier said than done, right?

Four Steps to Creating a Good Habit (Based on Atomic Habits by James Clear):

  1. Make It Obvious

    • Stack a new habit with an existing one. For example:

      • Place your multivitamins next to your toothbrush so you’ll take them after brushing your teeth.

      • Put your workout clothes in your gym bag next to your car keys so you’ll grab them on your way out the door.

  2. Make It Attractive

    • Pair a new habit with something you enjoy. For instance:

      • Stretch while watching your favorite TV show.

      • Say to yourself, “I get to watch my favorite show while improving my flexibility.”

    • Surround yourself with a culture where your desired habit is the norm. That’s why joining a fitness-and-nutrition coaching program, like Arangio, is so powerful. The energy is contagious.

  3. Make It Easy

    • Reduce friction. The fewer steps required, the better.

      • Go to the gym right after work instead of going home first.

      • Prep meals ahead of time so you don’t have to cook from scratch every night.

    • Use automation where possible. For example:

      • Set up automatic savings deposits to build your financial habits.

      • Automate bill payments so you’re never late.

  4. Make It Satisfying

    • Reward yourself for completing the habit. Even small rewards can be motivating.

    • Use tools like a habit tracker. Checking off a box daily can be surprisingly satisfying and helps you maintain consistency.


Working smarter, not harder, doesn’t mean avoiding effort. It means directing your effort where it matters most. Identify your goals, break them down into actionable steps, and build habits that align with your objectives. Use the four-step framework to make those habits stick.

To your success,

Coach Joe



Joseph Arangio helps 40+ men and women get leaner, stronger, and happier. He's delivered over 100,000 transformation programs to satisfied clients around the globe. If you want to lose weight from home, with the best online age-management personal trainer, or you want to visit the best longevity personal trainer in the Lehigh Valley, you can take a free 14-day trial.

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