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What Does 250 Calories Look Like?

nutrition Dec 06, 2024
What Does 250 Calories Look Like?

Watch out. Don't fall for it. It's a trap.

The trap of "tomorrow." Tomorrow becomes next week, next week becomes next month, next month becomes next year.

You hear people say this all the time.

"I want to lose this weight but I'll start tomorrow... or next week... or next month."

Even though they KNOW that they can lose bodyfat, get fit, and live a healthier life, they still find an excuse to put it off and procrastinate. Until it's too late.

Until they've put on so much weight that they're now diagnosed with high blood pressure, diabetes, or worse.

I hear men and women, over 40 years, give this excuse all the time, too:

"I want a better and happier life, but I'll start next year."

Here’s the obvious question:

Why would you struggle for another year and fall deeper into depression and get drowned by excess bodyfat when you can do something about it right now and make your life more successful next month?

But it's not too late, you just need to suspend your disbelief that change is possible.

Once you believe, next step is to take imperfect action.

Stop all of your "research" which, simply stated, is just another form of procrastination.

Stop listening to the naysayers who scoff at the mention of hiring a coach to help you.

These negative influences will only pull you down with them.

Ask yourself where you'll be a year from now if you continue doing what you're doing.

You're not alone because every single one of my client-athletes started with the same thought...

"I need to make positive changes in my life. I value my time so I will fast-track the learning curve by hiring a coach."

Don't believe me?

That's okay because the proof is in the pudding.

Check out these success stories.

How successful have you been lately?

Once again, ask yourself:

If you continue to do EXACTLY what you’re doing, will you be better, the same, or worse 12 months from today?

Why not shortcut success by working with a coach that delivers RESULTS.

Also, in case you don't know me (or a friend asks "who is this Coach Joe guy?"), here is a quick bio about your coach:

  • I'm a subject-matter expert in the field of strength and conditioning, with over 55,000 hours of study and hands-on coaching experience.
  • I collaborate with the world's top strength and conditioning coaches.
  • I was born to teach training and nutrition and recovery strategies.
  • I offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

It’s time to make this year your best year yet.

You'll learn from fellow client-athletes who look like their habits and lead by example.

You'll also get life-changing feedback from a coach who can provide straightforward feedback to your questions.

Here's just a short list of what you'll learn when you join our family: 

  • How to batch-prepare your meals for the week, in less time, and spend less money on food than you're spending today.
  • How to drop your bodyfat from 30% to 20%, or lower, in just 6 months.
  • How to get stronger than you have ever been in your entire life. Seriously.
  • How to practically guarantee you make consistent progress every week.
  • How to create systems that help you avoid bad choices, and maximize your healthy habits.
  • How to lose stubborn belly fat.
  • How to get a restful night’s sleep (every single night) so that you can recover FASTER from stress.
  • How to minimize the negative influences in your life so that you keep a positive mindset.

In short, you'll get a step-wise blueprint to help you rebuild your body along with other like-minded folks.

You'll join a supportive community of folks who actually care about you.

Look, I’ve delivered over 100,000 workouts to satisfied clients around the globe... but we're missing you.

I don't want you to put off your success and fall into the trap of next year.

You're a great parent or spouse or employee or boss.

Your family loves you.

And you’ve experienced success in the past.

But you need a kick in the pants. (Not literally, just figuratively.)

You need accountability.

You need a supportive “team” environment.

You need a progressive training plan and not some foolish “random” workout-of-the-day.

You need better and more reliable nutrition.

And you want to start today so that you can jump-start fat loss in as little as 14 days guaranteed, right?

That's what Arangio Athletic Fitness will do for you.


Since 1996 I've helped folks transform their bodies and lives because it's my passion to help people get healthy.

I hope you'll accept this invitation to join the best online personal trainer (start free for 14 days) and I hope that you'll take advantage of the 20-minute Discovery Call to discuss your goals in detail.

By the way, it's best to choose only one goal.

Then you can get laser-focused on achieving this priority-one goal.

Experience success accomplishing this ONE goal first, versus trying to "boil the ocean."

You can't boil the ocean; however, you will be successful boiling one pot of water at a time.

To make it even easier for all of the folks that are in desperate need of my help, but are frozen in fear and self-doubt…

...reach out to any of our client-athletes and ask them about their struggles AND their massive success.

But at some point you need to take a leap of faith and make a change.

Looking forward to meeting you.

By the way, I receive so many questions about nutrition.

Recently someone asked a great question.

What Does 250 Calories Look Like?

Well, it looks like this:

Two organic brown eggs over easy. Add three tablespoons of roasted red salsa on top. One medium-sized organic navel orange. Chase it down with 16 ounces of ice water.

But it might look different for you, based on food choices and portion sizes.

And that's a good and a bad thing.

Good because there are a lot of nutrition options. And bad because there are countless nutrition options.

Really, that's why you need a coach. Especially if you've tried and failed doing it your way.

What's the biggest game changer for folks who take their health to the next level?

Getting leaner and stronger in their 40s, 50s, and beyond?

Feeling better and happier?

One word: Implementation.

You have access to plenty of information... InterWebs, FaceTube, books, school, etc.

The magic is in what you do with it.

That's why I've spent the bulk of my time with coaching groups instead of simply delivering more information.

🎖️Virtual Fitness-and-Nutrition Coaching- Get lean, strong, and happy from anywhere.

🎖️Premium Fitness-and-Nutrition Coaching - Create your Ideal Body in-person.

🎖Ultra-Premium Coaching Group - Private coaching by application only.

Everything I teach, and do personally, is focused on implementation.

Again, you've got access to plenty of information.

But are you using it?

If not... here's a start.

Here's a simple checklist to help you implement small changes that will help you get leaner, stronger, and slow aging too.

  1. Surround yourself with positive-minded folks that already have what you want.
  2. Follow a goal-based nutrition plan.
  3. Do progressive resistance exercise. It should be organized and goal-based with weekly progress check-ins. Smart training is cathartic, meaning it manages stress too.
  4. Get 56 hours of quality sleep weekly. So eight hours of deep, restorative sleep per night. This will also help calm frazzled nerves.
  5. Set measurable goals and stay accountable to them.

An experienced coach will ensure you have a high level of accountability... you hit your goals on deadline.

One more thing. You must do the work.

I have seen my share of folks who talk a good game but fail when rubber meets the road. That's because there's no long-term implementation.

Want to achieve health and happiness faster?

If yes, spend a higher percentage of your time implementing.

You can do this. And I'm here to jump-start your success.

To your success,

Coach Joe



Joseph Arangio helps 40+ men and women get leaner, stronger, and happier. He's delivered over 100,000 transformation programs to satisfied clients around the globe. If you want to lose weight from home, with the best online age management personal trainer, or you want to visit the best longevity personal trainer in the Lehigh Valley, you can take a free 14-day trial.

Jason Kelce's Blueprint for Consistency

How to Feel Fulfilled

How to Wake Up Refreshed During Daylight Saving Time

Start Your Free 14-Day Trial

Learn the proven step-by-step system to lose weight, get strong, and slow aging. Your first two weeks are on us.