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3 Secrets to Improve Your Focus

mindset Oct 10, 2023
3 Secrets to Improve Your Focus

One mistake I see a lot of people make when starting a fitness plan is losing focus.

Of course just getting started, in any fashion, is a huge accomplishment.

But think of your fitness journey as an individual workout.

A good coach would tell you not to launch yourself headlong into a workout.

You need to warm up properly and prepare the body slowly, so you can avoid running out of gas quickly, getting discouraged, and wanting to quit.

The same is true of your fitness journey as a whole.

Step 1: Get started.

Step 2: Don’t launch yourself into the program too fast and run the risk of losing focus and burning out.

Be kind to yourself and your body.

Take your time.

Just because someone else is moving fast doesn’t mean you should be.

Don’t worry too much about the destination.

Enjoy the journey.

It’s honestly the most satisfying part.

3 Secrets to Improve Your Focus

"If you chase two rabbits you won't catch either one."  

There's so much truth in that proverb.

One of the top mistakes I see folks make is trying to focus on more than one thing at a time.  

I'll stand at the front of the line and admit that I've been guilty of this many times.

The truth is you need to have a plan... and follow it through until the end.

You must also practice consistency.

It's okay to course-correct along the way, but when you quit what's been working (to try something completely different), well...  

That's a recipe for failure.

Here are three secrets to improve your focus.

1. Multitasking doesn't work

Pick one thing and see it through before you begin the next one.  

Try this simple exercise to prove that multitasking is a poor strategy.

Write out the alphabet, A-Z, one letter at a time.  

Below each letter write the corresponding number 1-26... but do it like this:  

Write the letter A, then beneath it write the number 1, B then 2 underneath it, C then 3, D then 4, and so on through the letter Z and the number 26.

Time yourself to see how long it takes to complete the task.

Now, do it again; however, this time write out the entire alphabet, A-Z, on the top line without stopping.  Come back and write out 1-26 below each of those letters.

Time yourself to see how long that takes.

It took me 46 seconds to do the first one and 30 seconds to do the second one.

That's a 35% improvement in efficiency by focusing on ONE task at a time.

Pretty cool, right?

2. Focus on the most critical thing

You can break things up into urgent and important tasks.  

For example, most emails are not urgent or important.  

But an email alerting you that your basement is flooding... that's both urgent and important.

Focus on things that are important but not urgent.  

Some examples: batch preparing meals, building relationships, efficient workouts, and things that move the ball down the field.

Most people spend WAY too much time on the "not urgent," unimportant stuff like social media, zero-value emails, and busy work.

There's a difference between being busy and being productive.  

Focus on producing... because if you take care of the little important things, the bigger things take care of themselves.

3. Focus on the things you really enjoy

I understand that there are things you have to get done that you don't necessarily enjoy.  

Laundry, running errands, and work commutes may come to mind.

Perhaps eating mindfully feels like a drag.

But sometimes you just need a change in attitude and perspective to start enjoying the things that must get accomplished.

Take exercise for instance.

It's no secret that you must strength train and sweat a few times per week, just like we do at the best personal training program near Allentown, PA.

You may not enjoy what you've done in the past.  

It may have been mundane.

Training should be fun, keep you safe, and create measurable results.  

Especially the results part. If you aren't seeing results, yet are following a proven plan and giving an honest effort, you may just need a change in perspective.

If you want more energy, greater strength, less bodyfat, and more confidence, then you must follow a smart training plan, practice mindful nutrition, get quality sleep, and stay accountable with a coach.  

I've got 25+ years of coaching experience to say, with absolute confidence, that it's tough to fail when you do the above things.

Whatever you choose to do, stay focused and see it through until you achieve your priority-one goal.  

And after that, maintain your awesomeness.

To your success,

Coach Joe



Joseph Arangio helps 40+ men and women lose weight, gain strength, and slow aging. He's delivered over 100,000 transformation programs to satisfied clients around the globe. If you want to increase longevity with the best online age-management program, or you want to visit the best age-management program in the Lehigh Valley, you can take a free 14-day trial.

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